
Syncing folders using symbolic links

A symbolic link doesn't actually sync anything, the way you have described it as creating a new 'folder' is pretty much how it works.

Creating Symbolic Links (Symlink) in Windows

Choose the “Drop as” > “Symbolic link” option to create the symlink at that location. Drop As -> Symbolic Link. 3. Using Symbolic Link Creator ( ...


Reference article for the mklink command, which creates a directory or file symbolic or hard link.

How can I create a symbolic link on Windows 10?

There is an open-source tool called SymlinkCreator that provides a minimal UI for drag-n-drop both files and folders to be symlinked. It can use ...

Windows symlink to user documents dir issue

By default, only Administrators can create symbolic links. · Creating a symbolic link requires elevation, but from Windows 10 build 14972, ...

Creating Symbolic Links (Symlinks) in Windows

To create a symbolic link to a file, specify the link name and the target object you want it to point to. You can set the link type: /D — a ...

Creating Symbolic Links on Windows

In this article, we will take a look at the creation of symbolic links on Windows using mklink command found in the command processor (cmd) of the OS.

Create symbolic link (MKLINK D) - Total Commander

Creates a symbolic link equal to the MKLINK /D windows command. Such symbolic links are useful eg to include existing folders in the OneDrive folder.

The Complete Guide to Creating Symbolic Links (aka Symlinks) on ...

Symbolic links can be created using the mklink command in Command Prompt, with different options for creating symbolic links to files or directories.

Create Soft and Hard Symbolic Links in Windows

I want to do is create file-symlinks in an existing other directory, to have the same name as the source files, analogously to copy sourcefile targetdir.


Asymboliclinkdoesn'tactuallysyncanything,thewayyouhavedescribeditascreatinganew'folder'isprettymuchhowitworks.,Choosethe“Dropas”>“Symboliclink”optiontocreatethesymlinkatthatlocation.DropAs->SymbolicLink.3.UsingSymbolicLinkCreator( ...,Referencearticleforthemklinkcommand,whichcreatesadirectoryorfilesymbolicorhardlink.,Thereisanopen-sourcetoolcalledSymlinkCreatorthatprovidesaminimalUIfordr...